Planning Poker 101


At the moment, there is no distinction between moderator and non-moderator from the game perspective.

All participants have to agree who is going to moderate the game session, and let the moderator to click the administrative buttons.

Please note that those buttons are available to all participants.

General Flow

  1. Label cards you want to estimate
  2. Create a Planning Poker game
  3. Select cards by label for the estimation game
  4. Start the game
  5. Wait for others to join the game (by selecting it from the Planning Poker dashboard)
  6. Start estimating by selecting a card

Creating a Game

  1. Enter game name
  2. Enter comma-separated estimation values (by default there is a Fibonacci scale)
  3. Pick a label to select cards

Round Flow

  1. Select a card from the backlog list to start a new round
  2. Estimation phase — cast a vote by selecting a card
  3. Wait for others to cast their votes
  4. Once all participants casted their vote, the cards are flipped
  5. Discussion phase — during this round participants have to agree on the common estimate
  6. If agreement is reached — the game moderator opens sets the final estimate to the card (for example, to the Custom Field)
  7. Otherwise — game moderator chooses to replay the round
  8. Repeat until there are no more cards in the game backlog